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Who we are

We are a Startup from Germany Concentrating on Achieving the Sustainable goals. Mainly we are concentrating on Climate Change. Our target is to Reduce Carbon Emissions. By using our approach we can reduce complete Carbon Emissions. 


Climate Change is Indirectly caused by Human Activities. For example - Food waste is done by Humans in the daily life that alone releases 30% of co2 into the environment. If we can regulate these daily activities of Humans we can reduce the Carbon Emissions quickly.   

What we do


What is the problem?
Increase in carbon dioxide from day to day in the Environment.

What is the solution?
Companies will not reduce CO2 emissions and there will be no change in state laws. So if we start teaching people how to reduce CO2 emissions through their daily activities, it will have a quick impact.


What is our Startup about?
we want to teach people how to reduce their carbon footprint in their Daily Life.

Why is this better? 
We need so much time to develop new technologies to reduce carbon footprint. We don't know what technologies are good for the future. This advanced new technologies can also be not effective after their lifetime.  

Why is this project going on?
I think that's better than strike the make in the city. If we show the People how can their carbon dioxide foot Print reduced that can quickly reduce the Global Cardon Foot Print it is so effective than the machine and we don't need electricity as a machine to reduce carbon Foot Print. The impact can be seen right away.


Why we are Concentrating On reducing the Individual Emissions?

The Industries and the Large scale industries are always back of Growing the economy. so, if we can reduce the individual Carbon Foot Print. It is more Effective & Efficient for the future.


We reduce Carbon Emissions in the Environment. We are going to Reduce Carbon Emissions directly by creating awareness in the People, by letting them know how their daily activities are releasing co2 into the Environment. We teach them sustainable ways about how they can control their Carbon Emissions by their daily activities. We teach them Practically so that they can teach them to their kids too. By this way, the Impact is Faster and better.


Our main aim is to reduce the Human Carbon Footprint in order to save the Planet, Because of the Industries & Laws are always back of the Economy. We believe in the Power of People. The changes in the Human Daily Activites will reduce the carbon dioxide levels in the Environment quicker. Its the best Solution.

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